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8 allies of a good Front End

Front End profiles are in high demand in the market, which has aroused the interest of many people to train in this field.

Daniel Betancur Rodríguez, a software developer at Imagemaker, conceives the profession as a craft since it is necessary to have a good sense of aesthetics and a constant strengthening of the logical-artistic capacity to transform ingenious ideas into codes that allow users have a good interaction with the developers’ creations.

With this in mind, Daniel points out that there are 8 allies to be an outstanding Front End:


It is the hypertext markup language under which the entire web is built. It will help us to structure the information on our website in the browser, a very good analogy would be to compare it with our skeleton.

2. CSS

Fundamental to define the appearance of the web by means of style sheets. It becomes the perfect opportunity to go from UX / UI design to code and thus make users fall in love by generating art with colors, sizes, shapes, fonts, containers, separators, animations, etc.


The interpreted programming language gives life and will fill websites with interactivity, with we will define the logic and how the functionality of our application will be carried out. Javascript has infinite possibilities making our imagination have no limits when creating.


2 friends you must not miss: GIT as version control software designed for efficiency and the possibility of good maintenance in a professional workflow; and GITHUB (also called “code social network”) as a hosting platform where GIT technology is integrated into the cloud.


Designed mainly to work with user interfaces. With these to create modern dynamic web applications, they are tools that will make our lives easier when we face similar or constant problems in the world of programming.


Take “learning to learn” as a habit of life, adapt to learning carried out by yourself. Self-taught ability is a skill that we all have, a very good alternative to develop it is to play and thus learn new skills or improve those that you already have.


The indisputable key to personal and professional success: focusing on our dreams, projecting ourselves into a system to achieve them, and being constant. Consistency is a bridge between desire and fulfillment. Defeats and frustrations will always surround us, but perseverance is the true differentiating factor and we can see this in the most famous phrase by Thomas Alva Edison “I did not fail, I only discovered 999 ways how not to make a light bulb”


Collaborative work is a very important pillar in the world of development. As I mentioned at the beginning, friends are fundamental, and what better way to learn than by sharing knowledge with other developers. Motivation and support between communities strengthen the skills of both the one who teaches as one who learns.

For the aforementioned, it is recommended to use open-source platforms, such as GitHub and Stack Overflow (the most common), through which the code can be stored and managed, in addition to sharing and discussing issues related to it.

“The invitation is to be increasingly close and friends with these allies. Become aware that really “unity is strength” (Aesop) and take a position in which we can learn by imparting our knowledge to others. ” Daniel commented.