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Hello UK !: Imagemaker continues its expansion across Europe

At Imagemaker we are committed to assembling teams with the best tech talent in the world, that is why we are pleased to announce we just started operations in Great Britain, our second market in Europe. With this step forward, now there are six countries with Maker presence around the globe.

The United Kingdom will fulfill the important role of being the main base for commercial and business development in the continent. It will be an attractive platform in the eastern Atlantic for its efficient business culture and large ecosystem for startups, telecommunications, and finance. The successful implementation of Open Banking has allowed a large number of Fintech companies to emerge with technological and integration challenges – it is here where we find the core of our business.

The UK also represents a great gateway to countries in the northern part of the region, most notably the Nordics, as well as being a business bridge between the rest of Europe and North America.

Historically there has been a good cultural fit and successful examples of integration as business partners between Great Britain and Chile, and you can often see products and services offered in one or the other direction.


With the arrival in the United Kingdom, Imagemaker seeks to contribute in the constant fight to reduce the talent gap that affects the region and that’s reflected with 40% of tech positions annually not getting covered. That is why there is a huge upside in talent service providers with access to multi-localized tech talent.

In this regard, Diego Echeverria, Regional Business Manager responsible for setting up operations in the region “Imagemaker’s approach based on talent analytics and constant training allows us to have a different vision on how to face tech talent shortage. We also want to integrate multi-localized teams with different cultures united by their passion for technology. This gives current and future Makers the ability to face significant challenges. “

Diego joined Imagemaker a little over a year ago as a Key Account Manager and thanks to his experience working with the British market he will lead this challenge, relocating together with his wife as a newly married couple:

“We are very excited, we realize the challenge is huge, and the market is very competitive, but with the support of our fantastic and talented Makers, we will play our part in helping reduce the talent gap, assembling the best tech talent from different regions. Imagemaker has an excellent expansion track record, opening four regions in two years, therefore we are confident to have the tools to write the next successful chapter of our history.